with CEA
- Working conditions negotiated in partnership for all employees
- Peace at work Procedure for the settlement of disputes
- Solid foundation for the growth of the industry
- Principles for relations between the Social Partners at company and association level
- Regulated right of co-operation in the company
- Measures for education and advanced training
without CEA
- Haggling for individual advantages
- Industrial disputes
- No stable boundary conditions for the economy
- Uncertain socio-political environment
- Minimal welfare protection
Goals of the Agreement
In this agreement the parties wish to:
- deepen co-operation between the employee and the employer, and their organisations
- specify modern employment rights and obligations
- promote social, economic and enviromentally protective growth of the industry
- keep Switzeland competitive in a social market economy by promoting innovations and modern labour organisation of the workplace
- settle differences of opinion in a regulated procedure and
- guarantee happiness at work.